Posts Tagged ‘30-3-37’
How Much Parent-Time Will I Be Awarded If My Ex-Spouse Receives “Sole Custody?”
When joint physical custody (i.e., when a child spends more than 30% of overnights with each parent), is considered but not determined to be a viable option in a divorce or parentage case, a Utah Court may award “sole physical custody” to a primary custodial parent (i.e., the child spends less than 30% of the…
Read MoreHow do Utah Courts Handle the Relocation of a Parent?
If you received a child custody order by a Utah Court, resulting from either a divorce, parentage, or child welfare case, but now you (or the other parent of your child) intend to move to a new location that is more than 150 away from the residence of the other parent, you might be wondering,…
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