What Does it Mean to Be “In Contempt of Court?”

We’ve all heard the phrase “contempt of Court,” whether it be from a courtroom scene in a television show, or a neighbor talking about their real-life lawsuit. But what does being “in contempt of Court” actually mean? Generally speaking, when someone is “in contempt of Court,” it means they have been disobedient or disrespectful to…

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Amending a Complaint After an Expired Statute of Limitations

If you enjoy watching legal dramas or crime shows, you’ve probably heard the phrase “statute of limitations” come up.  But what does this phrase mean? From State to State, people and businesses may sue each other for various reasons. State laws also dictate certain “deadlines” within which different types of lawsuits can be commenced. For…

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How Utah Courts Interpret Ambiguous Language in Contracts

Contracts – we “sign” them all the time (does the phrase “I agree to these terms and conditions” sound familiar?), or more correctly – “click” the button.  But how often do we really take a good look at the terms that we become bound by. Sometimes this works toward our detriment. For example, a contract…

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